tony at home tony with family

Who am I?

As you can see in the header my name is Tony Gonzalez and (apart from being a husband, a father and a son) I am an IT professional who has worked in IT support for more than 10 years.
I have worked as an online support analyst or platform manager mostly, though at the beginning of my career I wrote code too.
My roles during the last few years have been: Platform Manager, System Administrator and Technical Triage Lead.
But what have I been doing mostly:
Mostly I was supervising the day-to-day running of different platforms. That meant lots of things, for instance:

  1. Fixing issues and adding changes to the platform via software releases.

  2. Coordinating the work of our testers, developers and second line support.

  3. Making sure that changes in the platform and other related platforms did what they were supposed to do without affecting negatively our platform.

My main skill: communication.
There was a British Prime Minister whose motto was: Education, Education, Education. Well, mine is:
Communication, communication, communication.
Why do I have this website?
To prove that I know about Cloud Computing. I am an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and I am going to use this website as proof that apart from the theory I can do the practice too!
So, check the Architecture of this site and get in touch with me.